Friday, December 23, 2016

Total war.

Greetings readers.
Here I will put out my thoughts on how to make significant hit to enemy alliance by destroying their fortress. This is just "thoughts" because such war not happens to be every day deal. But I have some specific plans to show you, and to discuss. 
Right After I ended this text i feel like"fuck! We can do hell with that! :D" 

1. Preparation.

Chose the time for attack. That must be something around 2..6 am in local time for your enemy. Strike team top1 players better to have their embassy building same level as their strongholds. Those players hereafter reffered as "top1", We need to have main and reserve top1.  Everyone one in strike team must not have opened resources, that they afraid to loose.
We can also leave one or few experienced player at hive, someone who have no teleport this time. Because counter attacks are possible right in time of fight.

2. Force lowering stage.
Perfect way to lower enemy force will be to hit the troops on tiles. Troops standing on tiles will be divided, so it will be easy and quick to send them to hospital. It is also safe. If there is no troops on tiles then we have to rally their strongholds. 
We better to make a sequenced list of attack targets before landing.
This stage must not take long, as it is not the target. Sending troops in hospitals is not very big deal.
Me, personally, trying to keep hospital capacity at 100% of my boosted march capacity. And I always have unpacked resources and speedups to immediately bring my force back to action, in case of any shit.
I hope we will have no greedy fools, who will put resource taking in calculation during this, or any other stage. Resource taking should be number100500 target of operation in such Total War deal.

3. Intermidiate stage.
This should be done right after we hit first, most important targets. Top1 start to demolish the enemy fortress! After that, one more player should join him(rather powerfull too). Others can continue fstage 2, seeking troops on tiles, and making rallies on strongholds. But two players must be in stage 4 already... looking on to their war messages board.
Let see this position in details.
Force of this two players, demolishing fortress, must be enough to withstand any single enemy player attack. Top1 entering fortress makes the limit of possible demolishing troops highest.
Enemy can't kick them out in single attack. All enemy can do is to set up rally.

If enemy will start rally to defend his fortress from demolishing. 
Important here: such rally could not be seen as regular incoming rally. I did the tests. The only sign of incoming fortress def rally will be new message in war messages. Top1 make sure you understand that!!! That is simple message with no info more than "rally incoming". Players in demolishing should message to the chat if they see this rally incoming.
If enemy will start that kind of rally then all strike team should fill the demolishing force to the limit, with the best troops. 

We can move to final 4 stage when no more force left to hit, or when enemy doing defending rallies often.

4. Demolishing stage.
Demolishing force is maxed. Just sit and wait. If they cant make equal defending rally in time - they loose.

In that stage you can forget about your own stronghold and resources in it. Yes! You can keep taking resources with the rest of your troops, you can even hit low powered enemy forces. But you can't move main force from enemy fortress for long time to defend yourself, and no one will reinforce you. You can't shield or teleport. This means that every stronghold of strike team could be burned by enemy rallies. Yes!  There is easy way to save the rest of your troops. Just send them in camp when attack incoming. If you go offline - send them as reinforcement to some shielded friendly stronghold, or just far away across the map. But do not try to save your stronghold and resources in it at all cast.

But... We can teleport some strorage accaunt, put it under shield, and transfer resources there with trading carts. It should be at least lvl 10 to store iron, lvl 15 to store silver. This could be done in the heat of any battle. After the end we can kick it out from alliance and take resources back with no trade fee.

If enemy will make rally force equal to demolishing force then we have to move back. If someone offline during this moment of moving back - this troops will die. If force will be equal - ours will die, enemy - to hospital.
In alliance buildings battle owner of the building always goes to hospitals, enemy of the building dies.

Additional Bonus.
That is also possible to catch enemy on defence, for those players who not top1. If you see incoming enemy trying to take some resources from you, and lower then your complete force (demolishing troops + rest of troops hided to be safe somewhere else)... use call back+emergency recall right before enemy strike. This will cause them dead. Move back to demolish and to safe place right after maneuver.

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